Heating Inspection Safety Tune Up
Carbon monoxide is an odorless and colorless gas, and because you can’t see it or smell it, the fumes can kill you. How do you protect yourself and your family from something you can’t see?
It’s time to prepare your HVAC heating system for the winter season and schedule your Heating Safety Tune Up.
A heating safety tune up is important because it’s about your safety. If you burn gas, this heating HVAC inspection could literally save lives! Fumes from carbon monoxide are deadly!
7 Tips to Keep your Family Warm and Safe this Winter
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends the following precautions to prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning:
- Have a trained HVAC professional inspect, clean, and tune-up your central heating system (furnaces, flues, and chimneys) annually
- Check chimneys, flues and vents for leakage and blockage
- Check all vents to furnaces, water heaters, boilers and other fuel-burning appliances to make sure they are not loose or disconnected
- Inspect vent pipes on heating systems
- Inspect appliances for adequate ventilation. A supply of fresh air is important to help carry pollutants up the chimney, stovepipe or flue, and is necessary for the complete combustion of any fuel
- Making sure ventilation air openings aren’t blocked
- Install a professional grade low-level co monitor.
Installing a Low-Level Carbon Monoxide CO Monitor
When you install a low-level carbon monoxide monitor it will let you know there is a problem before reaching dangerous, even deadly CO levels, long before the other CO detectors even begin to work!
You can purchase a low-level CO monitor from M.E. Flow in Leesburg, Alexandria or Winchester. Watch a video to learn more about the NSI low-level CO monitor and how it compares to those CO monitors you can purchase at the hardware store. Be sure to talk to your HVAC service technician about installing the NSI low level CO monitor during your heating safety tune up.
What’s Wrong with This Picture?
If any of your heating pipes look anything like this, then you are way overdue for a professional tune-up! Call [phone] today to schedule yours ASAP.
Thanks for reading!
Carbon Monoxide Safety Monitor | M.E. Flow – Northern Virginia
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